Seeking Participants for Research, Requests for Information/Comments, Health Alerts, Calls for Action (Current Legislature) & Health-related Petitions

Seeking Participants for Research Studies & Surveys
Requests for Information/Comments relating to Gluten/Celiac Disease:


Note: CeliacCorner is not personally affiliated with any of the studies mentioned. We have either been contacted by the organization to list the study, or we chose to list it on our own to help get the word out.


(Posted June 5, 2015)  Mass General Hospitals’ Celiac Disease Genomic Environmental Microbiome and Metabolomic Study (CDGEMM), …  enrolls infants who have a first-degree relative with celiac disease. open here.  Learn more about the study here




(Posted January 9, 2016) A Feminist Perspective on Coping with Interpersonal Stress in Chronic Disease – University of Maryland

(Posted 7.3.2014) Portland State University’s Study of Dieting Behaviors and Romantic Relationships – Consider participating in a research study conducted by Lindsey Alley and Dr. Cynthia Mohr from the Department of Psychology at Portland State University (PSU). “The researchers are interested in the diets of couples where at least one member has celiac disease and the types of interactions between both partners. The results of this study will be used to understand more about the eating behaviors and relationships of individuals with celiac. To participate, you and your significant other will need to be at least 18 years of age, and in a committed relationship of at least six months. Also, either you or your partner (or both) must be self- or medically-diagnosed with celiac disease.”  NOW CLOSED

(Posted 3. 17.14) Call for Participants: Marywood University Graduate Student’s Research Study – Assessment of Dietary Intake of Individuals with Celiac Disease on a Gluten-Free DietParticipants in this study will be asked to answer a brief survey and complete a 3-day food record.The benefit of participating is helping to add knowledge regarding celiac disease and the gluten-free diet to the nutrition community. All participants will be entered into a prize drawing … three people will win a $10 Visa gift card. NOW CLOSED

(Posted July 2013) University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada) Calling for Children with Celiac to Participate in Study – Researchers from the University of Alberta, Edmonton (Canada) are seeking Canadian children (ages 3 – 17 years) with celiac who are following a gluten-free diet. Children/Parents will be asked to complete a few questionnaires, and then follow-up with a telephone call. NOW CLOSED

(Posted Jan. 15, 2014) The Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University is conducting a study on breastfeeding experiences  NOW CLOSED

(Posted April 2013) National Foundation for Celiac Awareness and The Jefferson Celiac Center are conducting a SURVEY related to ” learning what recommendations patients with celiac disease receive from their physicians regarding family member testing. The study investigators hope to use this information to improve screening strategies for celiac disease.”  NOW CLOSED

(April 2013) Rice Consumption Patterns of Celiac Disease Patientsset up by Tricia Thompson, a dietitian who specializes in celiac disease and Brian Jackson, PhD of Dartmouth College. The results of this survey will show just how much rice is eaten by gluten-free consumers (with the concern of arsenic levels in rice, this is important). NOW CLOSED

(January 2013) National Foundation for Celiac Awareness Launches Gluten-Free COLLEGE STUDENT National Survey to gain more insight into gluten-free life on a college campus):–9281/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Celiac-Central-News+%28Celiac+in+the+News+from+the+NFCA%29 –  CLOSED.

(October 2012) Canadian Adults with Celiac needed to participate in an on-line study. Please contact A. Justine Wilson, PhD Student at University of British Columbia, email:   CLOSED.

ATTENTION CELIAC (OR NON-CELIAC) TEENS HEADING TO COLLEGE! Celiac Disease Group at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford currently recruiting participants for a clinical initiative to improve quality of care for adolescents who are transitioning to college with Celiac Disease. Also recruiting teens headed to college without Celiac Disease to serve as controls. Visit their Facebook page for more details & to enroll:< –  CLOSED.

National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA) & Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s “Family Members of Persons with Celiac Disease” Study. Seeking Participants NOW: –  CLOSED.

(Chicago Area) Seeking Patients with Celiac Disease for Study at The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center (must be a current Univ. of Chicago Medical Center patient, call to schedule appointment 773.702.3572). Seeking Patients Now thru  7/31/2012 (selected participants to be paid $50): –  CLOSED.


For More Information on Celiac Clinical Trials/Studies visit:
National Institutes of Health’s Clinical


U.S. National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health’s


Health Alerts!

HEALTH ALERT: New line of DOMINO’S “Gluten-Free” Pizza available in the US is NOT safe for Celiacs and those with a severe gluten sensitivity due to high risk of cross-contamination.


Also check HERE for the lastest FOOD RECALLS!

Calls for Action (Current Celiac-Related Legislative Action)!
(Jan. 2013) Tell the FDA why it is so important to finalize US gluten-free labeling laws! Open HERE and select “Comment Now” button to leave your comments – the FDA wants to hear from you .. so don’t be shyComment period ends Feb. 12, 2013 (an advisory committee meeting of the FDA is scheduled for March 7, 2013 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) – NOW CLOSED.
Take Action Now – Gluten Labeling in Drugs – Contact Your U.S. House Representative to co-sponsor The Gluten in Medication Identification Act of 2012 – Though website date says by May 8th, there is still time to submit your letter!

 Open HERE to access Celiac Disease Foundations’ Legislative Action Center to search for CD-related legislature in progress)!


Petitions Underway (Let your Voice Be Heard!)

Below are various petitions currently underway throughout the US, relating to the safety of celiacs/gluten-intolerant,  food allergens and healthy eating. Click on the link to the applicable website, read the complete petition and then it is ultimately up to you to decide if you wish to support the cause.


Disney Channel: Stop Bullying Gluten-intolerant Characters (began 5.16.13) – Victory –  2,137 supporters signed petition. Petition Now Closed.

– Finalize Standards for Gluten-Free LABELING (began 10.2.12) – PLEASE CONSIDER THIS! A few simple steps to register and sign … goal is 25,000 signatures by November 1st, 2012. UPDATE (11.1.12 – the required 25,000 signatures were received – way-to-support!!) 

Get Actress & Celiac Jennifer Esposito back to work, or release her from her CBS contract … began October 2012 

– Ditch Amber Sign Petition if you want NFCA’s “Amber” designation to be eliminated (reminder Domino’s pizza recently received “Amber” designation from NFCA, though there is a high risk of cross-contamination and therefore unsafe for celiacs and the gluten-intolerant) – NOW CLOSED (See Update below)

UPDATE: 5/18/12:  The Celiac/Gluten-sensitive community spoke and the NFCA listened. Read NFCA’s statement suspending the Amber designation for restaurants

– Encourage the Girl Scouts to sell an allergen free cookie (began 5/8/2011)

Target location: Nationwide

Good news, the Girl Scouts of America is now offering a gluten-free cookie, in some states.


Note: If you are aware of other petitions relating to food allergies/intolerances & healthy eating, kindly forward details and we will consider adding to our list.   Submit to: info at celiaccorner dot com




Though we certainly are in support of changes that would benefit the celiac and gluten-intolerant community, not all petitions listed necessarily reflect the views and opinions of CeliacCorner or any of our sponsors.