Advertising has become a go-to destination for people around the globe searching for information concerning celiac and non-celiac gluten-sensitivity. We provide the ever growing gluten-free community with a comprehensive listing of resources including news, recipes, product reviews, travel information, and tips for living gluten-free.

We are currently averaging over 30,000 visitors per month, with over 100,000 page views per month on our website alone. This total has been steadily increasing each month. Our Facebook page reaches on average over 40,000 people per month and Twitter followers are in the thousands.

We are currently offering a limited number of advertising opportunities to businesses related to the gluten-free world. You will be able to start your advertising campaign on the ground level and continue to benefit as we grow, without having to incur additional costs as our traffic increases. Your rate will be guaranteed not to increase within the first three years.

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